نظام التناضج العكسى ( ذو المعادن القلوية)
المياه القلوية مهمة لصحة الانسان ويعد نظام التناضج العكسى من PUREPRO لتقليل الاحماض فى الماء الوحيد من نوعه فى العالم ويقوم ايضا بانتاج المعادن كالسيوم والمغنسيوم والصوديوم والبوتاسيوم والايونات الطبيعية التى يستطيع الجسم امتصاصها بنسبة 100%. الفضلات الحمضية فى جسم الانسان لاتاتى فقط من الاكل والشراب ولكن ايضا من اسلوب الحياة اليومى كضغوط العمل والاجهاد والكثير من الملوثات التى تجرى داخل الدورة الدموية ثم تنقلها بدورها الى الكبد والكلى ليقوموا بدورهم فى ازالة السموم والنفايات الضارة من الجسم وبالتالى فان كثرة هذه النفايات الحمضية تؤثر على عمل هذه الاجهزة على المدى الطويل فاصبح من الضرورى ايجاد اخرى لتقليل هذه النفايات والتخلص من خطرها ان مستوى pH من رقم 8 الى مافوق يعود بالصحة والنشاط على جسم الانسان ويضع جسمك دائما فى وضع الاستعداد لمحاربة الامراض والبكتيريا التى تهاجم الجسم وهذا ما صنعه نظام Purepro لتقيل الاحماض وزيادة PH الى مايقرب من 8
سرعة استبدال شمعات التنقية
PurePro® ROYAL RO system uses 100GPD membrane which is powerful, fast and excellent efficiency. 100GPD membrane increase the daily production capacity and the speed of RO water production. This allows for better assurance that there is adequate water available when desired, even during heavy use times of the day. PurePro® ROYAL RO with its supreme quality ensures a great water flow rate with absolutely the least wasting of water. The newly designed ROYAL RO system is user friendly with design simplicity in mind. It requires no tools for filter changes. Use twist and quick-change cartridge design makes filter changes fast, clean and easy.No tools required for replacements. This space saving allows maximum use of your under counter space.
Pressure Gauge Helpful in monitoring house incoming water pressure, also for operation pressure of the RO system while it’s working time to replace sediment & carbon filters ; which indicate you to replace the filters when changes in reading start especially when pressure drop increase, which is an indication that the cartridges are clogging with particular matters or the filters media, is exhausted and the water inside the system can’t pass through the filters normally. Easy Installation The stylish design of the PurePro® ROYAL RO system was created to fit elegantly in any kitchen environment. The economical, friendly, easy-to-install and easy-to-maintain solution to your purified water needs. Use quick-fitting connector design makes installation fast and easy.
Quick-change cartridge filters (No tools required!) Replacing the filters on this system is one of the easiest to do. Quick-Change Filter Cartridges make cartridge replacement fast, clean & easy, without contact with used filter material . No Mess, No Fuss with these filters just remove the old ones and install the new filters. Please click here for more information.
Features: 100GPD membrane. (Made in USA) 3.2 Gallons NSF Standards Water Storage Tank. Automatic Shut-off Valve, Flow Restrictor, Stainless Steel Check Valve. Use twist and quick-change cartridge design makes filter changes fast, clean and easy. Feed water connector. Drain Saddle Valve. Four Color Coded 1/4 inch Tubing for System Connection Completely Assembled PurePro® Best Seller Faucet (European Design Faucet). 100% Factory Tested and Sterilized Ready for Installation. Installation Instruction.
RS-106A-P quick-change cartridges (Stage 1) 5 Micron Sediment Filter : With only five micron rating. It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles. (Stage 2) Granular Activated Carbon Filter: It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odor, and color. (Stage 3) Granular Activated Carbon Filter : It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odor, and color.(Stage 4) Reverse Osmosis Membrane: A thin film composite (TFC) high quality membrane that processes 100 gallons per day. It remove the following hard water contaminants that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium. (Stage 5) Post Carbon filter: This carbon post filter removes objectionable tastes and odors to enhance the quality of your drinking water. We are using NSF approved post carbon to guarantee the taste of water. (Stage 6) Alkaline Filter: The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water. The Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while purifying the water.
Specifications: Membrane: 100 GPD / 378 LPD With a transformer, available in 110Volt, 220Volt or 240Volt (50/60Hz). Operation pressure: 5 -80 psi Dimensions: (cm) 27.5 (L) x 44.5(H) x 26.5 (W) – system (cm) 28 (L) x 28(W) x 35 (H)- tank Weight: 8 kg – system 4 kg – tank Model Number RS-106A : RS-106A RO system RS-106A-P : RS-106A with booster pump
Why is reverse osmosis better? Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water systems include mechanical filtration to remove particles, carbon absorption and absorption to remove chloring, taste, odor and chemical contaminants, as well as membrane separation down to 0.0001 microns. RO membranes remove dissolved solids at the ionic level. No other purification system can provide better removal.